Browse the Approved Appraisers List: Begin by browsing through Lendworth's list of approved appraisers in the Greater Toronto Area.
Choose Your Appraiser: Carefully review the list of appraisers and select the one you would like to hire for your appraisal needs.
Contact Your Chosen Appraiser: Reach out to your selected appraiser to discuss your specific requirements, schedule an appointment, and obtain a quote for their services.
Payment: Ensure that you have made the necessary payment to the chosen appraiser for their services. Payment terms may vary between appraisers, so be sure to clarify this with them.
Address Your Appraisal: When scheduling your appraisal, make sure to provide clear instructions to the appraiser to address the final appraisal report to "Lendworth Mortgage Investment Corporation."
Release to Lendworth: After the appraisal has been conducted and the report is ready, the appraiser will release the appraisal report to Lendworth Mortgage Investment Corporation. This step is crucial to ensure that Lendworth receives the necessary documentation.
Confirmation: Once the appraisal has been released to Lendworth, you will receive a confirmation or acknowledgment of receipt from Lendworth Mortgage Investment Corporation.
By following these instructions, you can seamlessly select an appraiser, address your appraisal to Lendworth, and ensure that your payment has been made for a smooth and efficient appraisal process.
Approved Appraisers
Home Value Inc: 416.871.9224
Appraisal 2000: 416.636.8118
Cross Town Appraisals: 416.652.3456
Di Tosto Appraisal Services: 416.913.0590
MetroWide Appraisal: 905.479.4400
Ontario Appraisal Corporation (AACI): 416.674.1041
Rajesky and Associates: 905.709.9595
Crane Appraisal Services: 647.448.7077
G.W. Martin Appraisal Ltd: 905.846.4419
Warnica Appraisals Inc: 705.739.0240
Coulson Appraisal Ltd: 905.333.3140
Fletcher Professional Realty Appraisals: 905.829.4916
Puckrin and Company Inc: 905.985.6291
Appraisal 2000 416.636.8118
Cross Town Appraisals 416.652.3456
Di Tosto Appraisal Services 416.913.0590
Home Value Inc. 416.871.9224
MetroWide Appraisal 905.479.4400
Ontario Appraisal Corporation 416.674.1041
Rajesky and Associates 905.709.9595
Appraisal 2000 416-636-8118
Cross-Town Appraisals 416-652-3456
Home Value Inc. 416-871-9224
Ontario Appraisal Corporation (AACI) 416-674-1041
G. W. Martin Appraisal Ltd. 905-846-4419
Crane Appraisal Services 519.940.9798
Warnica Appraisal Inc 705.739.0240
Fletcher Professional Realty Appraisals Inc. 905.829.4916
Berk Appraisal Services 289-238-8621
Coulson Appraisal Ltd. (AACI) 905.333.3140
Humphreys Appraisal Services Inc. 905.529.6530
Home Value Inc 416.871.9224
Walker & Walker Appraisal Ltd. 905.639.0235
Schinkel Real Estate & Appraisals Inc. 905-387-0100
Musso Appraisals and Cons 519-741-8700
Appraisal 2000 416.636.8118
Crane Appraisal Services 519.940.9798
Cross-Town Appraisals 416.652.3456
G.W. Martin Appraisal Ltd. 905.846.4419
Home Value Inc. 416.871.9224
Ontario Appraisal Corporation (AACI) 416.674.1041
Metrowide Appraisal Services 905-479-4400
Property Valuators/Consulting Inc. (PVCI Inc.) 905-666-5023
Musso Appraisal Inc 519.741.8700
Bellai & Associates Appraisal Services 519.821.7859
City Management and Appraisals 519.578.3300
Real Estate Appraising & Consulting 519-725-0244
Musso Appraisals and Consulting 519.741.8700
S. W. Irvine & Associates (AACI) 519-763-5956
M. Machel & Associates Ltd. 519.578.5444 e 231
Niagara Region
Appraisals Niagara Real Estate Appraisers Inc. 905.357.7187
Benvenuti & Associates 905.262.6370
McCurrie Appraisal Services 905.682.3430
Humphrey's Appraisal Services Inc. 905-529-6530
Musso Appraisals Inc. 519.741.8700
Durham Region
Everest Appraisal Services 905-686-3172
Home Value Inc. 416-871-9224
Metrowide Appraisal Services 905-479-4400
Cross-Town Appraisals 416-652-3456
Ontario Appraisal Corporation (AACI) 416-674-1041
McIver Group Inc. 519.673.0000
Progressive Appraisal Services Inc. 519.461.9468
RJ Lyons Real Estate Appraisal Services Inc. 519.672.0485
Otto & Company 519.964.4663
Milton Coulson Appraisals Ltd. (AACI) 905.333.3140
Crane Appraisal Services 647.448.7077
Fletcher Professional Realty Appraisals 905.829.4916
Home Value Inc. 416.871.9224
Ontario Appraisal Corporation (AACI) 416.674.1041
Musso Appraisals and Cons 519-741-8700
Everest Appraisal Services 905.686.3172
Home Value Inc. 416.871.9224
MetroWide Appraisal 905.479.4400
Puckrin and Company 905.985.6291
Property Valuators/Consulting Inc. (PVCI Inc.) 905-666-5023
Sharp Appraisal 416-887-7001
Cross Town Appraisals 416.652.3456
St. Catherine’s
Appraisal Niagara Real Estate Inc 905.357.7187
Ridley & Associates Appraisal Services 905.685.8827
Musso Appraisal Inc. 519.529.6530
Appraisal 2000 416-636-8118
Coulson & Company Appraisal Ltd. (AACI) 905-333-3140
Cross-Town Appraisals 416-652-3456
Fletcher Professional Realty Appraisals 905-829-4916
Home Value Inc. 416-871-9224
Ontario Appraisal Corporation (AACI) 416-674-1041
Property Valuators/Consulting Inc. (PVCI Inc.) 905-666-5023
Coulson & Company Appraisal Ltd. (AACI) 905-333-3140
Home Value Inc. 416-871-9224
Humphrey's Appraisal Services Inc. 905-529-6530
Cross-Town Appraisals 416-652-3456
Minnick & Company 519.653.5353
Musso Appraisals Inc. 519.741.8700
Property Valuators/Consulting Inc. (PVCI Inc.) 905-666-5023
Schinkel Real Estate & Appraisals Inc. 905-387-0100
Walker & Walker Appraisal Ltd. 905-639-0235
Brugess Appraisal Service 905.631.6500 x 2
Dennis J. Murphy (CRA) 705-737-5100
Home Value Inc. 416-871-9224
Warnica-Poste Appraisals Inc. 705-739-0240
York Simcoe Appraisal Corp. 905-836-1028
Hill Appraisal Services 905.775.9320
Allan Roy 705.352.3552
Appraisers Canada (AACI) 800-665-1114
McFarlane Appraisals 705.999.5595
Russo Appraisals and Cons 519-741-8700
R. W. Dyer Realty Inc. 519-653-5353
Real Estate Appraising & Consulting 519-725-0244
Baayen & Associates (AACI) 705-745-7777
Koebel-Medlicott Real Estate & Appraisals 519-893-7709
S. W. Irvine & Associates (AACI) 519-763-5956
Bellai Appraisal Services 519.821.7859
S. W. Irvine & Associates Ltd. 519.763.5956
Musso Appraisals Inc. 519.741.8700
City Management and Appraisal 519.578.3300
Real Estate appraiser and consulting 519.725.0244
L.A. Mirotta & Co. 519.242.4172
Coulson & Company Appraisal Ltd. (AACI) 905-333-3140
Cross-Town Appraisals 416-652-3456
Fletcher Professional Realty Appraisals 905-829-4916
Home Value Inc. 416-871-9224
Ontario Appraisal Corporation (AACI) 416-674-1041
Crane Appraisal Services 519.940.9798
Musso Appraisals and Cons 519-741-8700
Bradford , Innisfil
Stanshall & Associates 519-750-1761
Cross Town Appraisals 416.652.3456
Home Value Inc. 416.871.9224
Musso Appraisals and Cons 519-741-8700
Berk Appraisal Services 289-238-8621
McFarlane Appraisals 705.999.5595
Appraisal 2000 416-636-8118
Cross-Town Appraisals 416-652-3456
Hill Appraisal Service 905-775-9320
Home Value Inc. 416-871-9224
Warnica-Poste Appraisals Inc. 705-739-0240
York Simcoe Appraisal Corp. 905-836-1028
Appraisals Niagara Real Estate Appraisers Inc. 905.357.7187
Regional Appraisals Inc. 905.356.6646
Crane Appraisal Services 519.940.9798
Cross Town Appraisals 416.652.3456
Home Value Inc. 416.871.9224
Musso Appraisals Inc. 519.741.8700
St. Thomas
Musso Appraisals Inc. 519.741.8700
Talbot Appraisal Services 519-633-9150
Valco Consultants Inc. 519-667-9050
Musso Appraisals Inc. 519.741.8700
Valco Consultants Inc. 519.667.9050
Talbot Appraisal Services 519-633-9150
Appraisal Group Muskoka 705-349-2333
McFarlane Appraisals 705-999-5595
Cross Town Appraisals 416.652.3456
F.K. Mitchell Appraisals Inc. 519.322.7107
F.R. Jordan & Associates 519.974.1431
Cross Town Appraisals 416.652.3456
Home Value Inc. 416.871.9224
Home Value Inc. 416-871-9224
Warnica-Poste Appraisals Inc. 705-739-0240
Dennis J. Murphy (CRA) 705-737-5100
McFarlane Appraisals 705.999.5595
Blake, Matlock and Marshall 519-940-0900
Cross-Town Appraisals 416-652-3456
Home Value Inc. 416-871-9224
Crane Appraisal Services 519.940.9798
Warnica Appraisal Inc 705.739.0240
Hill Appraisal Service 905-775-9320
Warnica-Poste Appraisals Inc. 705-739-0240
York Simcoe Appraisal Corp. 905-836-1028
Allan Roy 705.352.3552
Cross Town Appraisals 416.652.3456
Home Value Inc. 416-871-9224
McFarlane Appraisals 705.999.5595
Cross-Town Appraisals 416-652-3456
Home Value Inc. 416-871-9224
Warnica-Poste Appraisals Inc. 705-739-0240
Crane Appraisal Services 519.940.9798
Appraisers Canada (AACI) 800-665-1114
Dennis J. Murphy (CRA) 705-737-5100
HG Appraisers Inc. 705-445-7414
Home Value Inc. 416-871-9224
Hutchesson Appraisals 705-352-1777
Allan Roy 705.352.3552
McFarlane Appraisals 705.999.5595
Appraisers Canada Inc. 800.665.1114
McFarlane Appraisals 705.999.5595
Wasaga Beach
Appraisers Canada Inc. 800.665.1114
HG Appraisers Inc. 705.445.7414
Hutchesson Appraisals 705.352.1777
Dennis J. Murphy (CRA) 705-737-5100
Allan Roy 705.352.3552
McFarlane Appraisals 705.999.5595